Pennsylvania DOT: SR 291 over Darby Creek
This was a multi-month project with J.D. Eckman to encapsulate the bridge piers with epoxy and install pumped-in-place scour protection
mats. (2013)
Walker Diving was subcontracted by Skanska Koch to complete concrete repairs to several piers and abutments and to replace fender
walers and boards. (2008)
Pennsylvania DOT: Route 95 over Darby Creek
Walker Diving was hired by Crossing Construction to rebuild the timber fender on the Route 95 Bridge at Darby Creek. Walker Diving’s work
involved completely removing the existing fender then installing a new timber fender system. (2005)
Walker Diving's portion of the project involved mainly concrete spall repairs both above and below the water line.
Epoxy encapsulation of square precast concrete piles and grout encasement of steel sheetpile cells. (2017)
This project involved repairing a select group of piles by encasing them with fiberglass jackets.
Albany Port District Commission
Walker Diving was contracted to carry out numerous pile repairs under rather challenging conditions.
Removal and replacement of nearly 900 anodes.
South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority
Walker Diving was hired to locate and recover three aerators, one 34’ long in 42’ of water and two 25’ long units approximately 30’ deep for
inspection and refurbishment.
Walker Diving’s portion of this repair project was to repair scour defects on all four sides of each of ten guidewall support piers by pumping
a five thousand psi grout by the use of forms and or grout bag placement.
This project involved the replacement of a shaft, including the resetting and stabilizing of concrete pedestals.
Walker Diving was contracted to assist with the rehabilitation of Thorne Dam in the Town of Amenia, NY. The scope of the work was to
provide, install, and anchor in place a 200 linear ft. by 10 ft. deep silt boom upstream of the crest of the dam.
Inspection of three dams in Northern NJ.
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
The WSSC contracted Johnston Construction Corp. (prime) of York, PA and Walker Diving (sub) to perform the intake repairs to the Howard
T. Duckett Dam in Laurel, MD. The scope of the work for Walker Diving consisted of replacing the two sluice gates that were below the
water level and replacing the entire trash rack guide in front of the tower structure.
ODEC Wildcat Point, Peach Bottom, PA
Walker Diving was hired by Allan Myers to construct new intake structure and outfall pipe in the Susquehanna River for a new power plant.
Walker Diving was hired by C.H. Schwertner to construct new intake and outfall structures for a new Conectiv power plant on the
Susquehanna River. (2010)
Walker Diving was contracted to build a new water intake in the Susquehanna river for the town of Perryville, MD. (2007)
Walker Diving was contracted by Kinsley Construction of York, PA to install the raw water intakes for York Water’s new pump station. (2003)
In 2006 Walker Diving was asked to replace a 36” gate and actuator in an effluent channel at the Port Richmond Waste Treatment Plant for
the New York City DEP.
Walker's role here is was to inspect and measure the plant's fire pump intakes for future upgrading.
Walker Diving conducted navigable waterway crossing inspections for five pipelines including hydrographic survey and CIS (Close-Interval
Survey). (2018)
Walker Diving was contracted by the Philadelphia Water Department to inspect and clean the dual siphons carrying waste water under the
Schuylkill River.